WASHINGTON – The American Securities Association (ASA) today joined several leading business coalition trade associations in sending a letter to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) expressing opposition to the Commission's Proxy Voting Advice proposal.
"We urge the SEC to abandon this imprudent effort to preserve the status quo for proxy advice, which will undermine critical investor protections adopted by the SEC just last year," the trades wrote in the letter. "Instead, the SEC should re-focus on robust implementation and oversight of the 2020 Reforms."
To read the full letter to the Commission, click here.
ASA’s regional financial services companies work in communities across the country to create jobs, grow the economy, and increase prosperity for all Americans. The ASA exclusively represents the capital market and private client interests of its members and seeks to promote free market principles making it easier to access financial advice and capital. ASA members help Americans save for retirement, provide Main Street businesses with capital to grow, and advise hardworking Americans how to create and preserve wealth. For the latest updates follow @AmerSecurities and learn more at http://americansecurities.org/.